Continuous Delivery Updates for January 2024

Students and Instructors

SMS Notifications – End of Life

SMS (Short Message Service) notifications will no longer be supported or available starting in the July 2024 release. This change is in response to the deprecation of this service by mobile providers. Users can receive mobile push notifications in Brightspace Pulse, and can subscribe to email notifications in place of SMS notifications. For more information, refer to Intent to EOL SMS Notifications.

Awards – Export achievements as digital

Learners can now export their earned awards in a standards-compliant format using the new Export Digital Credential option. This feature allows the download of certificates or badges as an industry-standard Open Badges 2.0 compliant Badge for their own record keeping or sharing.

Badge Baking is the process of embedding digital credentials within the badge image. This approach ensures that the user has legitimately earned the badge by including a verification link used to check the integrity of the embedded information. To learn more about Badge Baking, refer to Open
Badges Baking Specification

For Baked Badge, the supported format in Brightspace is PNG only, and the
recommended pixel size of the badge should be no smaller than 200 px x 200 px.

Note: Not all applications support Open Badges 2.0 Badge Baking. Some third-party applications strip meta-data from images, causing baked badges to be non-compliant with Open Badges 2.0.

To download an award, learners must navigate to the My Awards page, select the desired award, click Share, and then click the new Export Digital Credential button. In the opened window, learners must provide their email address to link to their award and ensure verification, and then click Export.

Exporting a digital credential downloads badges or certificates as a .png file with the award data embedded in the image.

When using the Share option in Awards, click the new Export Digital Credential option.
Figure: Click the new Export Digital Credential option in Awards.

CourseLink Editor – Insert Stuff uses new file picker when uploading from users’ computer

This release updates the Insert Stuff > My Computer file picker with the version currently used in the Insert Image workflow, which allows drag-and-drop file uploads from the user’s computer.

Previously, the Insert Stuff > My Computer file picker used an older file picker that did not support drag-and-drop of files.

Chat – End of Life | Removed

As of this release, the Chat tool is removed for all users. Content topics that are Chat-based are not removed, but the chats are no longer accessible.

For additional information as to the reasoning for this removal, refer to Intent to End Of Life Notice for: Chat in Brightspace Community.

Instructors Only

Dropbox & Discussions – Improved tooltip for unsaved changes to evaluations

In the Dropbox and Discussions evaluation experience, the tooltip for reporting evaluation errors is updated to include clearer language. The tooltip appears when a user enters over 300,000 characters into the Overall Feedback field or enters an invalid grade into the Grade field.

The new tooltip reads “There is one or more errors in the information entered”. Previously, the tooltip read “There are invalid grades on this page”, excluding various errors that may have caused the tooltip to appear. The new language makes the types of errors clearer as it encourages users to review the entire evaluation.

Outcomes Management – Easily differentiate outcomes statements using short codes

With this release, you can optionally add short codes when creating grade items to make the experience of aligning authored outcomes to grade items more consistent with ASN outcome alignment. Additionally, the short code now consistently appears for both authored and ASN outcomes when using the pop-up outcomes picker. Previously, the short code was not consistently visible across view modes and pickers.

The Short Code field is available when you create new outcomes and in the list view of existing outcomes.
Figure: The Short Code field is available when you create new outcomes and in the list view of existing outcomes.

Quizzes – Written response questions remain as pending evaluation until being manually graded

When instructors grade quiz attempts, any ungraded written response questions remain as pending evaluation until the instructor manually grades them. Previously, when instructors clicked Publish or Update for a quiz attempt, the written response question’s pending evaluation status would be removed.

If a written response question is not graded, the status shows a pending evaluation message for the learner view. In the learner view, learners always see the message “This question has not been graded” until the instructor grades the question.

The instructor view displays the message “not auto-graded; a default value of 0 was assigned” until they grade the question.


If you have any questions about the updates, please contact CourseLink Support at:
519-824-4120 ext. 56939

Continuous Delivery Updates for December 2023

Students and Instructors

Calendar – View quiz start and quiz end dates as separate events in Calendar

When an instructor adds a Start Date and End Date in Quizzes and then selects Add Availability Dates to Calendar, both dates are displayed in the Calendar tool as separate events. Previously, only one event displayed showing when the availability of that quiz ended.

Users can see when a quiz is available as a separate event item from when it ends in the Calendar tool.
Figure: Users can see when a quiz is available as a separate event item from when it ends.

Quizzes – Identify bonus questions in a quiz

Quizzes now clearly mark bonus questions with Bonus, improving learner understanding and addressing a previous lack of indication in Quizzes.

Learners completing a bonus question now see the word Bonus beside the question number.
Figure: Learners completing a bonus question now see Bonus.

Instructors Only

Announcements – Copy announcements to other courses in published state

The ability to copy announcements to other courses was originally released for the Announcements tool in November 2023.

As of this release, users with proper role permissions can publish copied announcements in other courses using either the Announcements tool or widget. This is done by selecting the Copy to Other Courses option from the announcement’s context menu. In the Copy Announcement window, there is a new check box option labeled Publish Announcement on Copy. When this box is selected, the announcement is directly published in the destination course or courses, skipping the draft stage. If the check box is not selected, the announcement copies as a draft into the destination course or courses.

Previously, copied announcements appeared in draft form and required publishing in the destination course to complete the process.

Dropbox – Interface improvements for annotations

CourseLink is updating the Annotations tool in Dropbox to be a web component, as part of our internal technical maintenance work. As a result, the user interface for the annotations viewer is improved to include the following changes:

  • Error state includes updated dialog language.
  • Document conversion state now has in-page messaging and a loading icon. Previously, there was a dialog displaying the messaging.
  • General loading state now has a loading icon. Previously, there was no loading icon.
  • Note annotations and their print format show annotations instead of just the annotations icon.
If an error occurs while loading the assignment file, an error dialog appears.
The message, Something went wrong. Try again and if it continues to fail, download to view, appears on the screen.
Figure: If an error occurs while loading the file, an error dialog appears.
When an assignment file is loading, the loading icon appears.
Figure: When an assignment file is loading, the loading icon appears.

Dropbox and Discussions – Feedback field limitations for evaluation experiences

The Dropbox and Discussions tools’ evaluation feedback field is changing from a 500,000 character limitation to a 300,000 character limitation, resulting in an updated dialog warning appearing when the user hits 300,000 characters.

The character limit update improves performance and security for evaluations. Previously, when a user would enter over 300,000 characters, the new information may not have been saved. This potential save failure resulted in the loss of anything entered between 300,000-500,000 characters.

The warning message appears: Overall Feedback length cannot exceed 300,000 characters (including hidden formatting characters)
Figure: The warning message for character limitations appears when a user enters over 300,000 characters.

Discussions – New Discussion Topic Editing Experience universally enabled

With this release, the New Discussion Topic Editing Experience, which was introduced in the December 2022 release.

The New Discussion Topic Editing Experience is set to on as the default with no option to opt out, and the Legacy Discussion Topic Editing Experience is no longer available after this release.

Rubrics – Grades tool now uses Consistent Evaluation interface for assessments

When an evaluator assesses a Dropbox submission or discussion in the Grades tool, the rubric now uses the Consistent Evaluation interface whether there is work submitted for evaluation. This is consistent with the assessment experience for Dropbox or Discussions in other areas of CourseLink.

Previously, evaluations for these types of activities used a pop-out Rubric grid when launching from the Grades tool. When users click the drop-down menu on the column header to enter grades, the rows with un-submitted work now use the Consistent Evaluation experience instead of the previous Rubric pop-out.

The Assessment column in Grades contains icons to indicate that there are evaluations available to complete and opens the consistent evaluation interface.
Figure: The Assessment column contains icons to indicate that there are evaluations available to complete.

Reminder: Möbius – Upgrade CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Möbius integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Möbius integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available. The new integration has been added to Content > Existing Activities > Möbius.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select the new LTI 1.3 version from Content menu. The old version links will be removed.

The Möbius integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.
Figure: The Möbius integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.

Reminder: Macmillan – Upgrade CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Macmillan integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Macmillan integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available.

The integration is available under two link options:

  • Content > Existing Activities > Macmillan Learning Content (Deep Linking Quicklink)
  • Content > Existing Activities > External Learning Tools > Macmillan Learning Course Tools (Basic Launch)

For more information about using the Macmillan CourseLink integration, please review the Macmillan (LTI 1.3) integration support materials.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select the new LTI 1.3 version from Content menu. The old version links will be removed.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.

Reminder: Panopto – Upgrade Guelph-Humber CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Panopto integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Panopto integration (LTI 1.3) will be made available.

The integration is available under three link options:

  • GH Panopto Deep Linking Quicklink (any quicklink location)
  • Content > Existing Activities > External Learning Tools > GH Panopto Launch (Basic Launch)
  • GH Panopto Deep Linking (editor Insert Stuff video link)

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select one of the new LTI 1.3 links. The old version links will be removed.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.

Reminder: Cengage – Upgrade CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Cengage integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Cengage integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available. The new integration has been added to Content > Existing Activities > Add Cengage Content.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select the new LTI 1.3 version from Content menu. The old version links will be removed.

The Cengage integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.
Figure: The Cengage integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.


If you have any questions about the updates, please contact CourseLink Support at:
519-824-4120 ext. 56939

Continuous Delivery Updates for November 2023

Instructors Only

Announcements – Copy announcements to other courses

This feature adds the ability to copy announcements to other courses. Users must be enrolled in both the source and destination courses with a role that has permission to copy announcements.

A single announcement can be copied to multiple course offerings. Users can copy announcements from the Announcements tool or the Announcements widget from the context menu of an announcement by selecting Copy to Other Courses. Once copied, the announcement is in a draft state and users must publish the copied announcement in the destination course to complete the copying process.

The following attributes are copied:

  • Headline
  • Display Author Information
  • Content
    Note: The copied Content attribute includes any associated files such as inserted images.
  • Start and End Date
  • Attachments
  • Pin state

Note: Release conditions are not copied.

Clicking Copy to Other Courses from the announcement drop-down menu.
Figure: Clicking Copy to Other Courses from the announcement drop-down menu.

Dropbox and Discussions – Review key assessment information when publishing evaluations

The Publish All dialog for Dropbox and Discussions is improved and standardized to show key information about learner evaluations. Dialog messaging is consistent for both Dropbox and Discussions as it notes complete and incomplete learner evaluations and other key information, like how many learners have feedback and how many learners or groups are assigned to an activity. This change improves the user experience by including additional information about the status of learner evaluations and creating evaluation consistency across CourseLink.

Previously, the Publish All dialog did not display any information about learner evaluations or other key information, and the dialog messaging was not consistent across the Dropbox and Discussions tools.

Review learner evaluation information in the Publish All dialog before clicking Publish in Dropbox and Discussions.
Figure: Review learner evaluation information in the Publish All dialog before clicking Publish.

Course Reset – Improved interface for detection of in-use courses

Course Reset has an updated interface that displays more information to help users better determine if they are resetting the correct course offering.

Semester and Department information is displayed alongside course codestart and end dates, and active status, ensuring users can see that the correct course is being reset.

A new dialog warning provides key information about the following:

  • The number of unevaluated assignment submissions in the course
  • The number of unevaluated quiz attempts in the course
  • The number of users who have accessed the course in the last 14 days

Based on the course information, users can cancel the course reset to review before continuing with the reset activity. This feature is intended to help prevent accidental course resets, which cannot be undone.

The new dialog warning requires users to acknowledge key information before performing a course reset.
Figure: The new dialog warning requires users to acknowledge key information before performing a course reset.

Quizzes – Deduction option for incorrect answers

When enabled, instructors can set a quiz to deduct a percentage of a question’s point value for incorrect answers submitted. This feature applies specifically to question types that can be auto-graded, for example, multiple-choice and true or false questions. The only question type that can’t be auto-graded is written response.

Note: We recognize that negative grading is not required to gauge mastery of concepts. For this reason, this functionality is set to OFF by default and requires a request to CourseLink Support to enable it.

Under the quiz settings Evaluation & Feedback, instructors can select Deduct points for incorrect answers and enter a Deduction percentage. 25% has been entered.
Figure: Under Evaluation & Feedback, instructors can select Deduct points for incorrect answers and enter a Deduction percentage.

Instructors can also enter negative values when manually grading individual quiz questions or manually updating all quiz question attempts from the Quizzes tool.

Instructors can manually enter negative grades when grading quiz questions. The example shows -0.5 out of 1.
Figure: Instructors can manually enter negative grades when grading quiz questions.

To ensure that instructors can view accurate quiz statistics, Question Statistics are also updated to account for this new functionality. Therefore, if negative grading is enabled, Question Statistics may display the following differences in statistics:

  • Point Biserial results may be lower when negative grading is enabled.
  • Standard Deviation has a wider distribution to account for negative grading.
  • Questions with a negative average score appear below zero in the Grade Distribution graph.

To ensure that learners are fully aware that negative marking is enabled for a quiz, the Summary page of a quiz explicitly notifies the learner that for each question answered incorrectly, a percentage of that question’s point value is deducted from the final attempt grade.

Before starting a quiz, learners are notified on the Summary page that point values are deducted from the final attempt grade for incorrect answers.
Figure: Before starting a quiz, learners are notified on the Summary page that point values are deducted from the final attempt grade for incorrect answers.

Also, learners are given the opportunity to explicitly clear previously-selected answers to auto-graded questions by clicking Clear Selection on non-mandatory questions. This gives learners the opportunity to leave the question blank and receive a mark of zero, instead of forcing them to guess and enter an answer that could possibly incur a percent deduction.

Learners can select Clear Selection to remove their answer from a multiple-choice or true or false question.
Figure: Learners can select Clear Selection to remove their answer from a multiple-choice or true or false question.

Note: The overall quiz score cannot be negative and caps at zero.

Möbius – Upgrade CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Möbius integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Möbius integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available. The new integration has been added to Content > Existing Activities > Möbius.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select the new LTI 1.3 version from Content menu. The old version links will be removed.

The Möbius integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.
Figure: The Möbius integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.

Macmillan – Upgrade CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Macmillan integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Macmillan integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available.

The integration is available under two link options:

  • Content > Existing Activities > Macmillan Learning Content (Deep Linking Quicklink)
  • Content > Existing Activities > External Learning Tools > Macmillan Learning Course Tools (Basic Launch)

For more information about using the Macmillan CourseLink integration, please review the Macmillan (LTI 1.3) integration support materials.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select the new LTI 1.3 version from Content menu. The old version links will be removed.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.

Panopto – Upgrade Guelph-Humber CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Panopto integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Panopto integration (LTI 1.3) will be made available.

The integration is available under three link options:

  • GH Panopto Deep Linking Quicklink (any quicklink location)
  • Content > Existing Activities > External Learning Tools > GH Panopto Launch (Basic Launch)
  • GH Panopto Deep Linking (editor Insert Stuff video link)

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select one of the new LTI 1.3 links. The old version links will be removed.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.

Cengage – Upgrade CourseLink integration

On December 22, the current deprecated Cengage integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Cengage integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available. The new integration has been added to Content > Existing Activities > Add Cengage Content.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must select the new LTI 1.3 version from Content menu. The old version links will be removed.

The Cengage integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.
Figure: The Cengage integration highlighted in the Content tool Existing Activities menu.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new LTI 1.3 integration.


If you have any questions about the updates, please contact CourseLink Support at:
519-824-4120 ext. 56939

Continuous Delivery Updates for October 2023

Instructors Only

Chat – End of Life Notice

With this release, users accessing the Chat tool now see a banner indicating the tool will no longer be available as of January 2024. For more information about this update, refer to Intent to End Of Life Notice for: Chat.

Editor – Users can set the Text Direction attribute for the entire page

This feature allows instructors, when creating Content or Widgets, to set the directionality for all text on a page when using the Attributes menu in Editor. The Text Direction attribute can be applied to the entire page by navigating to Attributes > Page Attributes and selecting the desired text direction. The attribute can have text be DefaultLeft to Right or Right to Left.

Previously it was only possible to set the text direction attribute on Selected Items.

Outcomes – Searching for Outcomes

Previously, learning outcomes could only be located using the exact term or spelling used in the outcome name. Now, in Dropbox, Quizzes, and the New Discussion Editing Experience, the search algorithm returns lists of outcomes using a fuzzy search technique commonly presented in most search engines. The new search algorithm returns results based on patterns approximately like the search criteria, improving quality or results to account for basic spelling mistakes or typos. The exact match is bolded to help identify the actual search query text within the returned results. Other locations in Content that access Learning Outcomes continue to use exact search terms or spellings of outcome names when using search functions.

Dropbox and Discussions – Field Restrictions

When evaluating activities in Dropbox and Discussions, users can no longer use the Publish or Save Draft buttons if their evaluation exceeds the limit for field restrictions. This limitation applies to the Overall GradeOverall Feedback, and Annotations fields. Previously, a warning was displayed in the Overall Feedback field when the limit was reached, but the limitation was not enforced; and users could continue attempting to save their evaluation by clicking Publish or Save Draft.


If you have any questions about the updates, please contact CourseLink Support at:
519-824-4120 ext. 56939

Continuous Delivery Updates for August 2023

Instructors Only

Announcements – Pin announcements to top of Announcement widget and tool pages

With this release, instructors can now pin announcements to the top of the Announcement Widget and Tool pages, allowing important information to remain visible to learners. Announcements pinned are indicated to learners as such with the use of a new pinned icon that appears on the announcement.

Note: Pinning or viewing pinned announcements is not currently supported in Slim Announcements.

Rubrics – Improve your evaluation experience with the new collapsible panel for Assignments and Discussions in mobile view

When evaluating assignments or discussions in a mobile browser, instructors can now collapse the containers for Rubrics, Grades & Feedback, Outcomes, and Competencies. The new collapsible container appears in the right-hand panel and reduces unnecessary scrolling, giving instructors more control over which fields are displayed to them. Each component is open by default when the instructor accesses the item. Instructors can open and close each collapsible component by selecting the triangle beside the name of the container.

Note: This change applies to the mobile view only.

User Progress – Class Progress displays absent periods more clearly

This feature updates Class Progress to better align the login date and the absent period. When viewing data for Course AccessLogin History, and System Access History, the absent period now correlates to the login date on the same line.

Previously, the login date and absent period were misaligned, which caused confusion to users viewing the data.

This feature addresses the following accessibility criteria:

  • WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.4.8 Visual Presentation

Reminder: Zoom – Upgrade CourseLink Integration

During the week of August 29, the current deprecated Zoom integration (LTI 1.1) will be removed. The new Zoom integration (LTI 1.3) has been made available. The new integration has been labelled as LTI 1.3 to identify it in the list of available tools.

Please note: The integration will not automatically update. Instructors must remove the old integration and replace it with the new Zoom LTI 1.3 version.

The new Zoom LTI 1.3 integration link in Content showing the description as Zoom LTI 1.3.
Figure: The new Zoom LTI 1.3 integration link in Content.

Please contact CourseLink Support if you need assistance with adding the new Zoom LTI 1.3 integration.


The Zoom LTI 1.3 integration comes with a couple of new features.

Office Hours – easily scheduling

Set up office hours or bookable meetings using the Appointments tab and the ‘+ Create Schedule’ button.

The bookable schedule option under the Appointments tab showing the form with Select at least on day and Enter a name for your event highlighted in red text.
Figure: The bookable schedule option under the Appointments tab.
Pre-assign Breakout Rooms with Roster Sync

Meeting hosts can pre-assign participants from the CourseLink Classlist into breakout rooms when scheduling meetings.

Please note: Users removed from the Classlist won’t be automatically removed from pre-assigned breakout rooms.

The breakout room assignment screen showing students from the Classlist in the dropdown box.
Figure: The breakout room assignment page showing students from the Classlist.

Meeting hosts must have the setting ‘Assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling’ enabled on their account.

The Assign participants to breakout rooms with scheduling permission enabled in the Zoom settings.
Figure: The Assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling permission enabled.

Reminder: Access Pearson – Upgrade CourseLink Integration

During the week of August 29, all deprecated (LTI 1.1) integrations for Pearson will be removed, including Pearson widgets. The new Access Pearson LTI 1.3 integration has been made available.

The Access Pearson integration has the latest features, including assignment, course tool, or eText links, and other improvements. This also gives instructors the option to choose the product—MyLab and Mastering or Pearson Revel, eText, or Live Response.

Please contact CourseLink Support for assistance with upgrading to Access Pearson.


If you have any questions about the updates, please contact CourseLink Support at:
519-824-4120 ext. 56939